Seems I forgot to blog last week, oops… well here is what I was up to last week …

Last summer (if you read the archives of have been following you may know), I worked as a research assistant for James Swift at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (not an intern!). While there I edited a large amount of video recorded during one of the CLIVAR cruises to the southern ocean. To provide some context to this collection of video clips an entire website was produced. This website is an outreach page for the US Repeat Hydrography Program (USHYDRO) and thus far seems to be well liked by those who see it. To get feedback from the larger scientific community, I submitted an abstract to the American Geophysical Union’s Ocean Sciences Meeting that will occur in late February of 2010 in Portland, OR. That abstract was accepted and I spent the last week working on the poster for that submission. I will be attending the meeting in Portland, OR to show my work to the (global) ocean scientific community. HPU’s name will be on the poster btw. I have also been working on another project that I will keep secret until after I’m done with it.

Seems my “break” has been quite busy. Only 2 weeks until the next semester starts!